遊戲製作日記 (2021年2月下)

【MiniMap Kingdom】Update # 149~152

2月19日 週五
【MiniMap Kingdom】Update # 149~152

【MiniMap Kingdom】Update # 149~152

Update details:

2021/1/29 # 149

-The soldier automatically returns to the barracks after disbanding:
* Various military units will now return to their original barracks immediately after disbanding.

-Builder and doctor return to the residence:
* Now construction workers, doctors and other units will also serve near the residence.

-Reduce the previous army invasion:
*Slightly reduced the number of early invasions.

-Fixed the basic energy consumption of summoned units:
*Fixed the issue of the amount of energy consumed by some summoned units.

-Fixed the click movement problem caused by performance:
*Fixed a situation where the movement may get stuck when the frame rate drops.

-Reduce combat happiness loss:
* Reduced from 50 to 25.

-Dynamic recovery of energy:
*The current energy recovery has been changed from hourly to continuous recovery every second.

-Reduce divine power decay:
*Changed from 1% to 0.1%.

-Fixed the issue of villagers demolishing the player's road:
* Completely fixed the problem that villagers may demolish player roads or replace terrain.

-Terrain hint translation optimization:
* Optimize the translation of some terrain hints.

2021/2/14 # 150

-Re-added zoom in and zoom out buttons:
*Re-added buttons to zoom in and out in the upper left corner of the UI,
It is convenient to use SteamLink to play on mobile phones and tablets.

-Optimize the button for observing villagers:
*Now there are better-looking icons,
And it will be convenient to operate when closing the UI.

-Added defense distance tips for remote buildings:
* Added a small reminder about defense distance.

-Increase the firing volume of the musket tower:
* Increased from 25 to 30.

-Automatic attack prompt optimization:
* Added a reminder about when the automatic attack will start.

-Remove the slower frame rate program:
*Removed the program related to frame correction to avoid the problem.

-The offense was changed to a 2-day cycle:
*Independently added a new date loop,
Now the offense has more suitable days.

-Timely reminder of attack days:
*Now the attack time and the number of days and hours waiting for the attack will be updated in time.

-Merchants, teachers, priests, and chefs will also be stationed:
*Now all kinds of towns and villagers will stay within their service range.

-Town villagers no longer collide repeatedly:
*Fixed a waste of efficiency caused by repeated collisions.

2021/2/18 # 151

-Added building defense function:
* Added a new automatic defense function to all buildings when occupied,
Now when the player’s building is taken,
Various idle military units will actively conduct territorial defense.

-Optimize wood road material:
*Now there is a brighter and clearer wood road material,
And it's not easy to be confused with mud.

-Enemy assembly:
*Now the enemy will gather in strongholds in peacetime,
More clearly organized subordinates.

-Fixed an issue where enemy villagers get stuck when summoning:
*Fixed a programming issue where the enemy villagers may not be able to move normally.

-Added automatic check of whether the building needs defense:
*Added the inspection function about automatic defense,
Now every hour the system will re-correct the order of automatic defense.

-Added the flag of building defense:
*Now when the building is occupied and is under defense,
An obvious defensive mark will appear on the map.

-Zoom in and out of defense marks:
*Now the defensive markers will be enlarged and reduced appropriately with the map.

-Stop offense button:
* Added a new command to stop the attack,
Usually used to stop defending buildings that are too far away.

-Offensive flags will also assist defensive buildings:
*Now when auto attack is on,
The automatically placed flag will also consider whether there is a building under defense,
And prioritize the assembly of soldiers for defense.

2021/2/18 # 152

-Soldiers defend the nearest buildings:
*Now when the building is occupied,
Various military units will give priority to defending the buildings closest to them.


2021/1/29 # 149











2021/2/14 # 150











2021/2/18 # 151










2021/2/18 # 152


豁懷 Huohuai
Steam Group:
I will keep the development progress.
Release: 2021/2/19