【MiniMap Kingdom】Update # 153~162

3月18日 週四
【MiniMap Kingdom】Update # 153~162

【MiniMap Kingdom】Update # 153~162

Update details:

2021/2/19 # 153

-Unit image optimization:
*Added their own hats and heads to the images of all units.

-Increase the range of enemy detection by urban units:
* Increased the enemy range of town units.

-Unit status display:
*The display status of the lens has been increased from 8 to 11.

-Vision effect:
*Applies the effect of long-range depth of field.

2021/2/21 # 154

-Speed ​​up at sea:
* Speed ​​up the speed of various units at sea,
And fixed the situation that the speed may be uneven.

-Add the lower right operation UI column:
*Now it has been increased from four to five.

-The operation UI is fixed back to the top:
*Now the position of the UI will no longer run randomly.

-Operation UI click again to automatically close:
*Now in addition to the close button,
Clicking the same button again will also close the field.

-New pictures for the first picture of teaching:
*Updated the old version of the town pictures.

-Bow and arrow sound adjustment:
*Fixed an issue where bow and arrow sound effects might be too large.

2021/2/25 # 155

-Remove the scroll wheel sound effect:
*Removed the scroll wheel sound effect that may make the player uncomfortable.

-Slightly reduce the button sound effect:
*Slightly reduced the over-loud button sound effect.

-Lens size adjustment:
*The lens size has been increased by 120%.

-Increase image material resolution:
*It's 2048*2048 now.

2021/2/25 # 156

-Added a new land grid at the feet of the king:
*Now there will be a translucent grid under the king’s feet,
It is convenient for the player to recognize the current operating terrain.

-Adjust the construction conditions of enemy towns:
* Now the enemy has a way to build irregular villages and towns.

-Fixed problems with large towns and fortresses:
*Fixed a situation where a large town and fortress might not appear.

-Unit resource consumption reminder:
*Added detailed reminders of resource consumption to all buildings and units.

2021/2/25 # 157

-Fixed the image of the dog:
*Fixed a situation where there may be a black line on the dog's chest.

-Reduce the growth rate of the number of enemies:
* Slightly reduced the excessively high enemy's early growth rate.

2021/2/26 # 158

-The maximum number of enemies refers to the player's actual population:
*Now when the size of the kingdom has increased significantly,
Enemies will increase slightly to correspond to the scale.

-Automatic attack English prompt:
*A place that may be missed in the English description has been added.

2021/3/2 # 159

-Players select plot correction:
*Fixed a situation where the color of plots may be confused.

-Increase defensive building HP:
*The HP of defensive buildings has been generally increased.

-Building automatic road paving:
*The foundation and roads are now automatically laid when building.

-Knight sword image:
*Fixed an issue where the sword image of a knight might be too thin.

2021/3/16 # 160

-Opening Town Barracks:
*There will now be four barracks in the opening camp.

-Behavior adjustment of homeless villagers:
*Now when villagers in towns have no houses,
They will return to town first instead of following the king.

2021/3/16 # 161

-Fixed the coordinate problem:
*Fixed a problem when the king is at the bottom left of the map
The display position of the plot under the foot will run to the upper right due to the negative coordinates.

-Villagers move frame by frame:
* Removed the movement delay of villagers that could cause problems.

-Fixed flag issues:
*Fixed an issue where the flag will have a summoning effect when pressed.

-Increase the scale of the opening terrain:
*Change from 25~75 to 0~100.

-Increase the maximum lens size:
*There is almost no upper limit for lens size now.

2021/3/18 # 162

-Change the position of the flag:
*Now when changing the position of the flag,
The assembled troops will stay where they are.

-Added a button to close the banner:
*It is no longer necessary to close and then open when changing the position of the flag.
Added a separate close flag button.


2021/2/19 # 153





2021/2/21 # 154







2021/2/25 # 155





2021/2/25 # 156





2021/2/25 # 157



2021/2/26 # 158



2021/3/2 # 159





2021/3/16 # 160



2021/3/16 # 161






2021/3/18 # 162



豁懷 Huohuai
Steam Group:
I will keep the development progress.
Release: 2021/3/18